3. Transport of the boiler
Transport damages
Pay attention to transport instructions found on the packaging
Use a suitable transport vehicle, e.g. a trolley with a tightening strap.
During the transport, the boiler must be in a lying position.
Avoid blows or collision with various objects.
Put the packed boiler onto a trolley, if needed tie it with a tightening strap and transport
it to the place where it will be installed.
Take off the packaging additions.
Remove the packaging and dispose of it in an environmentally friendly way.
4. Installation of the boiler
Incorrect installation of the boiler may cause injuries or material
Never install the boiler without the expansion vessel (AG) and safety valve.
Use a suitable transport vehicle, e.g. a trolley with a tightening strap.
Material damage may be caused due to freezing!
The boiler should be installed only in a room in which freezing cannot
4.1 Caution when assembling the boiler
Material damage may be caused for failure to adhere to the following
Adhere to the instructions for the boiler and all installed components
Prior to installing, pay attention to the following:
All electrical connections, protection measures and fuses should be connected by a
professional from the authorised service, complying with all the norms and regulations,
as well as local regulations in effect.
EK Smart boiler has a built-in automatic fuse, the characteristics of which are given in
the Table 3: Technical data.
Electrical connection must be linked as per the connection schemes.
After the prescribed installation of the boiler, the ground wire should be connected.