Required Installation Guidelines`
Select the location of the installation shall comply with the following provisions (Note: Any equipment
damage or not working properly caused by the violation of the provisions is not covered by the warranty.): (
a) This device can not have an open drain below. If already have drainage ditches,
it must be made of stainless steel steam outlet baffle seal in the region, to prevent the
steam shorting out circuits and could damage the equipment control system.
b) The installation location should be away from any heat sources (such as, gas
stove, broiler etc.) (the unit outside temperature should not exceeding 113 degrees
Fahrenheit) to avoid damaging the lift mechanism inside the hanging cover plates.
c) If this device is arranged along the wall, the rear panel of the device from the
wall should be more than 2 ½ inches.
d) The installation location altitude must not exceed 4,000 feet.