26 Revision 02, January 2011
If there is any doubt regarding actual skin photo type, always start
treating the client according to the higher option (e.g. a client is skin
Type III or IV treat him as a skin Type IV)
6.5.2. Prior to Treatment:
It is highly recommended to take photos of the treated area before,
during and at the end of the treatment.
Thoroughly clean the area to degrease the skin and remove any
remains of cream, makeup, or topical anesthesia. Do not use any
flammable solutions, such as alcohol or acetone to clean the treatment
Ensure that the skin surface is completely dry.
Cover moles and pigmented spots with non-flammable white sticker or
styptic pencil.
When treating the face:
1. Draw back the hair and cover it.
2. Provide protective eyewear for client.
Pigmented moles and beauty spots should be covered with a
white sticker. Do not use flammable material.
As some clients may have a delayed reaction to the light
flash, do not perform more than 3 test pulses during the first test
session. Wait at least 24 hours before administering the first treatment.
For clients with Fitzpatrick Skin Types IV-VI, we recommend waiting at
least 48 hours to evaluate the test results.