run. In this case, generation of each individual trace is made only when key
for station marking) is pressed. This mode is recommended to make use of
stacking. The profiling method is as follows. You reposition the antenna in a step-by-
step way (not continuously!) with the same spacing along the survey line, and perform
sounding in each point by pressing the key. Once completed, press
or button
Mode -
it may have two options:
. The first option, as follows from
its name, is the sounding data receiving mode. The second option is used for testing
the control unit for operability with no antennas connected. When Test is set, a
continuous sinusoidal signal is supplied to the control unit’s input.
Tx/Rx cables
– only in Single channel georadar - one
or two
cables connect Control Unit with antenna. For 38-75-150 MHz antenna this parameter
is always automatically specified as
and cannot be changed. For other
antennas this parameter is specified at default as
and may be adjusted for
operation in the configuration shown on Fig. 16 of the Georadar User’s Manual.
Channels mode
– for Zond-12e Double channel or Advanced georadars only – there
are four (Zond-12e Double channel) or six (Zond-12e Advanced) possible regimes:
Channel 1
– single channel mode for operation with one antenna connected to
channel 1.
Channel 2
– single channel mode for operation with one antenna connected to
channel 2.
Double channel
– double channel mode of operation with alternate receiving of
signals from two antennas connected to channels 1 and 2.
Tx-1, Rx-2
- single channel mode for operation when the signal is radiated by the
antenna connected to channel 1 and received by the antenna connected to channel
2. This mode is applied when making measurements applying the method CDP
and also in case of using of the dipole antenna 38-75-150 MHz.
Tx-2, Rx-1
– (
In Zond-12e Advanced only
) single channel mode for operation
when the signal is radiated by the antenna connected to channel 2 and received by
the antenna connected to channel 1.
Circle mode
– (
In Zond-12e Advanced only
) alternate signal receiving in modes:
Channel 1; Channel 2; Tx-1, Rx-2; Tx-2, Rx-1.
Channel 1 / Channel 2
– for Zond-12e Double channel or Advanced georadars only –
tabs for different channels settings.
– this option is used to specify the antenna connected to the georadar’s
channel from the provided list.
– one of the most important parameters, to be chosen rather carefully. You can
select the range from a set of proposed values or set it up by yourself at the item
. When specifying the range you should watch at the information
appeared under the signal window. If your specified range is too wide the legend will
appear stating
Warning! Too small sample rate!”
. To the right side of the range
value in nanoseconds, its width is indicated in meters for the selected medium. It
determines investigated depths interval for the selected medium when there is no
attenuation. Maximum penetration depth, however, is defined by the sounding signal
attenuation level and varies in different soils. Therefore, setting this parameter higher
than it is required for your task is not recommended.
- digital gain of the received signals when they are displayed on the screen as a
radar profile. Due to the fact that the signal’s strength is rapidly decreasing while it is
propagating along the soil, the gain of the signal should be increased with the
increasing depth. Therefore at the end of the trace the gain should be greater than at its