2.6.1. Logs
There are ‘Neighbours’ and Statistic logs in RipEX. For both logs there is a history of 20 log files
available, so the total history of saved values is 20 days (assuming the default value of 1440 min. is
used as the Log save period).
The ‘Neighbours’ log provides information about neighbouring units (RipEX’s which can be accessed
directly over the radio channel, i.e. without a repeater). Every RipEX on the network regularly broadcasts
its status, the set of so called “Watched values”: the probability of packet loss when transmitting data
over the radio channel, current supply voltage, internal temperature, measured RF output power, the
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio on the antenna feed line and the total number of packets received from
/ transmitted to ETH, COM1, COM2 interfaces. In addition, the RipEX that records this data in its log
also keeps track of how many times it listened to its neighbouring unit as well as of the RSS and DQ
recorded. See
Adv. Conf., Diagnostic
for more.
The ‘Statistic’ log provides information about the volume of data traffic on all interfaces: radio, ETH,
COM1, COM2. It offers detailed information about the number of transmitted packets, their size and
the throughput per second. Moreover, a detailed division into user and service packets is available for
the radio channel. See chapter
Adv. Conf., Diagnostic
for more.
2.6.2. Graphs
An independent database periodically stores the Watched values (see 'Neighbours' log above) from
up to five neighbouring RipEX's and from the local one, there including most important values from the
Statistic log. All these values can be displayed as graphs.
The graphs are available in summary and detailed versions. Detailed logging is triggered on when a
threshold value has been reached for the specific item to enable a more detailed investigation into the
units’ operation when an alarm event occurs. Each graph can display two different elements at once,
including their set thresholds. Each of the values may originate from a different RipEX unit.
See chapter
Adv. Conf., Graphs
for more.
2.6.3. SNMP
RipEX implements an SNMP client ver. 1. The values provided by RipEX are shown in the MIB table.
RipEX also allows generating SNMP traps when thresholds have been reached for the monitored values:
RSScom, DQcom, TXLost[%], Ucc, Temp, PWR, VSWR, ETH[Rx/Tx], COM1[Rx/Tx], COM2[Rx/Tx],
HW Alarm Input.
See chapter
RipEX App notes, SNMP for RACOM RipEX
for more.
2.6.4. Ping
To diagnose the individual radio links RipEX is equipped with an enhanced Ping tool. In addition to the
standard info such as the number of sent and received packets or the round trip time, it provides the
RipEX Radio modem & Router – © RACOM s.r.o.
RipEX in detail