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User Manual
Rev. 1.0 - 13/03/09
5.3.2 Reading and Settings of Status
Similarly to measurements described in the previous chapter, each transmitter has
a range of states that can be read. Please refer to MIB for a detailed description of
each measurement. The transmitter has an SCI (Serial Communication Interface)
owner, that reads and stores the telemetry data in the Main card. The Main card
then sends the data to the ANTLAN SNMP card for formatting/analysis which
fi nally export the data obtained as SNMP.
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Each input is associated to the tree of alarms settings. Similarly to measurements
described in the previous chapter, the structure for alarms settings (or trap settings)
can be found in section 110 of each subtree.
For each analog measurement can be set a maximum (MAX) and minimum value
(MIN). The adjustment of the class is not used in this release.
For each value state there is a alarm setting group that allows you to:
• Enable/disable the send of TRAP.
• Send TRAP only when the alarm state happens.
• Send TRAP only when the alarm state re-enters .
• Send TRAP when the alarm state happens or re-enters.
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