User’s Manual v.15
H.264 HD Video Codecs
Copyright 2011-2014 QVidium
Technologies, Inc.
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The input source can be SDI/HD-SDI/3G-SDI or HDMI
”. The encoder automatically detects the
input video resolution, whether it is PAL, or NTSC and whether the input is High-Definition (HD) or
Standard Definition (SD) video. For example, to encode an
input to an MPEG2-TS output file
called “test.ts” type:
/qvidium/qvplayer -I sdi -O file -o test.ts
The output video can be saved either as an MPEG Transport Stream (TS), which is the default, or
as an MP4 (Apple Quicktime®) output format. For MP4 format, add an
‘–m mp4’ option to the
example above. Simply leaving off the
–m parameter will use the default MPEG TS format. This
command example uses the default parameters of 8Mb/s for the H264 video bitrate
and 128Mb/sec for the audio bitrate, encoding the audio using MPEG4 AAC with a 48KHz audio
sampling rate. To encode using a different video bitrate or to set other encoding parameters, use
–h option as described above to first find the options you are interested in, and then add them
to the command line using the above command line as an example to start with.
By default, starting
from the command line runs it in the foreground. From this
foreground mode, you can interactively set certain parameters, such as changing the video
encoding bitrate. Typing
gives you a list of the interactive commands. Type
to stop the
10.2.3 Playing Video From a File
To decode and play out a stored file,
to the external media directory (such as
) and type:
/qvidium/qvplayer –I file –O video –f <filename>
Where <filename> is the file name referenced to the current directory. For example, if the file on a
USB Flash stick is called test.mp4, then use
as the filename:
/qvidium/qvplayer –I file –O video –f test.ts
The decoder knows to automatically set the format type, the resolution, the bitrate, and all other
relevant encoding parameters.