User’s Manual v.15
H.264 HD Video Codecs
Copyright 2011-2014 QVidium
Technologies, Inc.
Page 47 of 71
DCE (Data Communications Equipment). There is no login prompt. Once connected, you connect
directly to a Borne shell.
Now that you have access the console, type
“passwd” and follow the prompts to temporarily
change the password.
Next, please type “rm /flash/qvidium/httpd.conf” to remove the password
from the web server configuration.
You can then type “/etc/init.d/rc.httpd restart” to restart the web
server with this new password.
9.4 Re-installing the Application Software
If for some reason the QVPRO codec becomes completely unresponsive, or you suspect that as a
result of a failed update procedure the application memory had somehow become corrupted, you
can completely reinstall the application software with the following procedure. The Linux Kernel is
loaded into a separate area of memory and is unlikely to become corrupted, so if the system does
not respond to this procedure, you may have a hardware problem and you should consult a
QVidium technical expert.
Application Memory Reload Procedure:
i. Go to
and download and save the
file to a
USB flash stick. This file is about 9 Mbytes. (XX is the version number of the application
ii. Go to
, click on
Reset Software
, and download and save the
resulting “
” file to the same USB flash stick.
iii. Insert the flash stick and wait about one minute. Then power cycle the codec.