Chapter 3 Detailed Operating Instructions
8. Open the valve on the regulator and adjust the flow to about
500 ml per minute. Observe the second line of the display.
When the displayed level stabilizes, press the RECORD
button. The unit will countdown from 15 to zero and store the
zero data. The following screen will appear:
Apply 20.9% ppm O2
O2 XX.Xppm
Press RECORD To Span
Press ON/OFF To Exit
9. Turn the regulator off and remove the bottle of nitrogen from
the regulator.
Always remove the regulator from the gas cylinder when
the procedure is complete.
Oxygen Span Adjustment
Never attempt to perform a span adjustment without
performing the appropriate zero procedures first
The oxygen span adjustment must be done in an area free
of toxic gases. If an area free of toxic gases is not
accessible, a bottle with a known concentration of oxygen
can be used to span adjust the oxygen sensor in place of
the procedure described below.
1. Remove the calibration adaptor from the wand. The span
concentration for fresh air calibrations should be 20.9%. If
required, use the up and down arrows to set this on line one of
the display. If you are using bottled air you must set the
concentration as listed on the canister you are using.
2. Observe the current O2 level as displayed on line two of the
display. Wait for this value to stabilize, the press the
RECORD button.
3. A 15 second countdown timer will be displayed while the span
calibration is performed.
The calibration adaptor should NOT be on the sensor
during this procedure.