Initializing the Storage Arrays and Software
Quantum DXi6900-S Installation Guide
Wed May 14 15:37:21 PDT 2014 - Checking for EBODs on Qarray1...
Wed May 14 15:37:21 PDT 2014 -
Array Qarray1 contains one or more EBOD(s).
Wed May 14 15:37:21 PDT 2014 -
The ESM version 0396 is already running on all
EBODs for Qarray1
Finished autoleveling NetApp arrays Firmware.
Tuning controllers for Qarray1...
Populating Encryption Info cache...
Next locate and record all hardware found.
Detecting -begin-
Detecting -date-
Detecting -localnode-
Detecting -name-
Detecting -serial number-
Detecting -motherboard-
Detecting -ethernet-
Detecting -bios-
Detecting -cpu-
Detecting -memory-
Detecting -pci-
Detecting -fc-
Detecting -sas-
Detecting -ipmi-
Detecting -ipmi-monitor-
Detecting -nodes-
Probing for node 1: Found.
Detecting -raid arrays-
Probing for array 1 CTRL A: Found.
Probing for array 1 CTRL B: Found.
-Get Storage Info-