Installing or removing 31/50.8mm colour filters
Some QSI 600 Series colour filter wheels are configured to hold unmounted 31/50.8 mm filters.
Filter wheels capable of holding 31/50.8 mm unmounted filters have a screw hole between each
filter position.
the retaining screws in the image above between each filter position which hold the
unmounted filters in place.
Different retaining screw/washer combinations are used to hold different thickness filters. Filters
up to 3mm thick (e.g. Astrodon, Astronomik) use the configuration shown above to the right.
5mm thick IDAS filters use the configuration to the left.
A thin spacer or O-ring may be required to be placed under unmounted filters that are less
than 3.5 mm thick in order to raise the top surface of the filter above the top of the filter wheel
recess so that the retaining screw can hold the filter firmly in place.