Cleaning the colour filters
As with any precision optical surface, the optical coatings or glass of colour filters can be
permanently damaged by improper cleaning procedures. For best results follow the cleaning
instructions that came with your filters.
It is best to clean the filters infrequently and use the least intrusive of the methods below to
remove any dust or fingerprints.
1. Blow any dust off the filter with clean, dry compressed air.
2. Gently wipe off any remaining dust with a lens brush or microfiber cloth.
3. Remove the filter and clean it with gentle soap and water and then dry it gently using a 100%
cotton cloth.
Cleaning the CCD cover glass
As with any precision optical surface, the optical coatings or glass of CCD cover glass can be
permanently damaged by improper cleaning procedures. You are often better off not trying to
clean the CCD cover glass. The effects of small amounts of dust can be removed from your
images with proper calibration techniques.
If you must clean the CCD cover glass.
1. First try blowing off any dust off the filter with compressed air.
2. If that doesn’t work gently wipe off any remaining dust with a lens brush or microfiber cloth.
Note: The CCD cover glass cannot be removed.
Recharging the desiccant
The environmental chamber enclosing the CCD is filled with UHP argon during manufacturing to
increase cooling capability and prevent the formation of frost on the CCD cover glass. This ultra
dry and clean noble gas will generally remain in the environmental chamber for about 3 years.
Depending on specific use patterns and environmental conditions around the
camera, it is possible that moisture could build up in the chamber in less than 3 years. Proper
maintenance of the environmental chamber is critical to the operation of the camera. If water
vapour or ice forms inside the environmental chamber when cooling below the dew point, it is
critical that the camera be turned off immediately and the instructions below followed to restore
the camera to proper operating condition.