7.3 Batt. full
This is the voltage, specified in millivolts, at which the battery is considered “full”.
7.4 Batt. step
This is the step, specified in millivolts, for each bar of the battery icon.
In this example, Batt. full is defined as 13.8V and the step is 1V. The battery icon has 7 possible
states, ranging from empty to full and 5 intermediate states in between. The meaning of the
displayed icon will be, in this example:
Full: 12.81V to 13.8V (and indeed, above 13.8V also)
5 bars: 11.81V to 12.8V
4 bars: 10.81V to 11.8V
3 bars: 9.81V to 10.8V
2 bars: 8.81V to 9.8V
1 bar: 7.81V to 8.8V
Empty: 7.8V and below
7.5 Cursor blink
Two different cursor styles are possible. You can select your favourite, here. The two possible
values are an underline cursor (the default), and a blinking cursor (the display alternates between
the edited character, and a solid white block).
When set to ON, the cursor style is Blink. When OFF, the cursor style is Underline (default).
Note that this setting only affects the cursor that is shown during menu system editing. In normal
operating mode, the underline cursor is always used for tuning rate indication, regardless of the
Cursor style setting.
7.6 S-meter
A rudimentary S-meter is shown in the top right of the display, if this parameter is set to ON.
QCX operating manual, firmware 1.07, manual edit 0.03