7.7 S-meter step
This NUMBER parameter effectively defines the sensitivity of the S-meter. The S meter has 12
bars maximum. Each bar of the S-meter equates to the specified “S-meter step” number on the
amplitude measurement scale. So, in this case the scale of the 12 bars of the S-meter will mean 0
to 1200 in amplitude measurement terms.
A lower S-meter step number makes the S-meter more sensitive; a higher number makes it LESS
The S-meter reading is indicative only, it does not have any highly accurate meaning. In any case
the audio sampled by the Analogue to Digital converter is after the audio amplifier gain stages so
the amplitude depends on the receiver gain setting.
7.8 Custom splsh
You can use this configuration to display your own customized “Splash” screen on powering up
the QCX+. Ordinarily when you power up the QCX+ it will show this screen:
5W CW Tcvr 1.06
QRP Labs, 2019
It shows the firmware version number (1.06 in this example). When you set the “Custom splsh”
configuration parameter to ON, the contents of message memories 11 and 12 are displayed on the
top and bottom rows respectively. You would then not normally use these message memories for
sending CW (though the system does not prevent it). If either memory 11 or 12 are blank, the
default splash screen contents for the upper or lower row respectively will be shown. Therefore it
is possible to customize one or the other or both rows, as you wish.
7.9 Clock
When set to ON, a real time clock is displayed in the bottom right part of the screen during
operation. The time is NOT maintained when the QCX+ is powered down. This clock may be set in
the “Set time” menu item in the “Beacon” menu. You may also set the clock by connecting a GPS
such as the QRP Labs QLG1. Remember that the GPS and the paddle share the same
microcontroller inputs (see schematic) and therefore the GPS signals key the transmitter. The
QCX+ automatically detects the presence of GPS serial data and enables “Practice mode” to
QCX operating manual, firmware 1.07, manual edit 0.03