This is an unsolicited notification sent by the QCX+ to the host computer; it is not part of the TS-480
CAT command set. Please refer to the paragraph below for a full description
RD: Set negative RIT offset amount
Sets negative (down) RIT; for example “RD-200;” sets the RIT to -200Hz
RT: Get RIT status
Returns RIT status: 0 = RIT off, 1 = RIT on
RU: Set positive RIT offset amount
Sets positive (up) RIT; for example “RD150;” sets the RIT to 150Hz
RX: Set the radio into Receive mode immediately
Command RX; immediately puts the radio into receive mode. It is equivalent to TX0; The effect
is immediate. A CW symbol, character or word being transmitted is abandoned. If a message
memory or message initiated by KY is transmitted, it is cancelled immediately.
SM: Get S-meter value
Returns the S-meter value (signal strength), it is a 5-digit number in the range 0 to 16,383.
TB: Command to retrieve decoded text from the QCX’s CW decoder text buffer
See paragraph below for full description of this functionality.
TQ: Get/Set transmit state
Sets transmit state: 0 = RX, 1 = TX. For example “TQ1;” keys the transmitter
Returns the transmit state: 0 = RX, 1 = TX. The effect is immediate. A CW symbol, character
or word being transmitted is abandoned. If a message memory or message initiated by KY is
transmitted, it is cancelled immediately.
Note that when the transmitter is keyed using “TQ1;” closing the paddles or keying the straight key
has no further effect until either a “TQ0;” command is received, or the operator enters the menu
system via a long press on the “Select” button. Either of these two actions return the transceiver to
Receive and from then on, the paddle inputs are active.
Note that if the command TX1; is sent while the QCX+ operator is inside the configuration menu
system, the command has the same effect as TX0; (i.e. the radio is not set to Transmit)
QM: QCX+ Menu query and set
The QM CAT functionality allows the CAT host application to build up a complete replica of the
QCX+ menu structure. The CAT host computer can retrieve and set the menu parameters over
CAT. When values are set, they are written into QCX+ EEPROM just the same as they would be
by the QCX+ operator normally.
The QCX+ Menu commands ONLY work while the system is in ordinary running mode. If you run
menu CAT commands while the operator has actually entered the menu system on the real
QCX+, then you will just get back a ?. This is to prevent concurrency issues when the operator is
editing a menu item at the QCX+ itself, and at the same time the CAT host tries to change the
same configuration item.
QCX operating manual, firmware 1.07, manual edit 0.03