: the kit sends WSPR according to the configuration parameters in the following sections.
: the kit sends stored message 1 repeatedly in slow FSK CW, where “key-down” is shifted
up 4Hz and “key-up” is transmitted at the carrier frequency. The symbol duration is controlled by
the keyer speed, interpreted as the number of seconds for a CW “dit”.
If beacon mode is enabled (not OFF), the radio starts operating in beacon mode on power-up.
While beacon mode is operational, it can be cancelled immediately at any time by pressing the
“exit” button. Remember that you should not have a GPS connected, when in ordinary CW
transceiver mode – it would key the transmitter since the GPS and paddle share the same
processor I/O signals.
Beacon mode is entered upon leaving the configuration menu system, if the beacon is enabled by
having this parameter set to a value other than OFF.
6.2 Frequency
This parameter determines the transmission frequency during beacon operation. In WSPR mode,
this is the frequency of tone 0.
It should be noted that the WSPR sub-bands on the bands are only 200Hz wide. You need to have
your 27MHz reference oscillator accurately calibrated so that you can be sure your actual
transmission frequency is close to the frequency specified in this parameter. You also need to
specify the correct frequency so that your transmission is inside the appropriate 200Hz sub-band.
Note that these are the actual transmission frequencies, there is no CW offset, no RIT, no other
modifications. The specified frequency is also DIFFERENT from the “USB dial frequency”
specified at WSPRnet
– the “USB dial frequency” is 1500Hz lower than the
actual transmit frequency, so that the decoded audio is at 1500Hz.
Therefore, ensure that for WPSR transmissions, you choose a frequency in one of the WSPR sub-
bands according to the following table:
3.570000 – 3.570200
5.288600 – 5.288800
7.040000 – 7.040200
10.140100 – 10.140300
14.097000 – 14.097200
18.106000 – 18.106200
21.096000 – 21.096200
24.926000 – 24.926200
28.126000 – 28.126200
QCX operating manual, firmware 1.07, manual edit 0.03