Gigabit Network QoS Router
TCP-SYN-Flood, UDP-Flood and ICMP-Flood.
WAN Threshold: When all packet values from external attack or from single
external IP attack reach the maximum amount (the default is 15000
packets/Sec and 2000 packets/Sec respectively), if these conditions above
occurs, the IP will be blocked for 5 minutes ( the default is 5 minutes OBJ
176 ). Users can adjust the threshold value and the blocking duration to
effectively deal with external attack. The threshold value should be adjusted
from high to low.
LAN Threshold: When all packet values from internal attack or from single
internal IP attack reach the maximum amount (the default is 15000
packets/Sec and 2000 packets/Sec respectively), if these conditions above
occurs, the IP will be blocked for 5 minutes (the default is 5 minutes). Users
can adjust the threshold value and the blocking duration to effectively deal
with external attack. The threshold value should be adjusted from high to
Exempted Source
Input the exempted source IP.
Exempted Dest. IP
Input the exempted Destination IP addresses.
to save the configuration.
to leave without making any change.