DNS Server
Specify a DNS server for the DHCP server.
Reserved IP Table
1. Click Add to configure a reserved IP table.
2. Specify the following:
• Device name
• IP address
• MAC address
5. Configure the IPv6 VLAN settings.
a. Click IPv6.
b. Click Enable IPv6 VLAN.
c. Select the outgoing WAN interface from the drop-down list.
d. Specify the IPv6 IP address prefix.
e. Select the prefix length from the drop-down list.
f. Select the interface identifier to identify interfaces on a link.
User Action
Interface identifier
Select from the following:
• EUI-64: Select Extended Unique Identifier (EUI-64) to automatically configure IPv6
host address.
• Manually: Specify an interface ID to configure the IPv6 host address.
g. Assign a client IPv6 addressing mode from the drop-down list.
IPv6 addressing
Select from the following:
• Stateful: The stateful DHCPv6 or managed mode enables you to manually assign
a unique IPv6 address to each client.
• Stateless: The stateless DHCPv6 mode enables users to manually enter
additional IPv6 information including the lease time, but automatically assigns
a unique IPv6 address to each client.
• SLAAC+RDNSS: Stateless Address Auto-Configuration (SLAAC) along with
Recursive DNS Server (RDNS) enables users to manually assign an IP address
based on the IPv6 prefix and uses recursive queries to resolve the domain name.
• Disabled: Disables IPv6 client addressing.
6. Click Apply.
QuRouter adds the VLAN.
QHora-301W User Guide
Network Settings