The QNAP Warranty Service page opens in the default web browser.
5. Click Check warranty.
The QNAP Warranty Service window opens in a new web page.
You can check your device warranty policy or purchase an extended warranty plan at
6. Close the warranty page.
The smart installation screen opens in the default web browser.
7. Verify the operating system indicated on the screen is QTS and the version is the one you want to
8. Optional: Select a different operating system version.
To install QNE ADRA and configure the device for network detection and response, see the
ADRA Device (Global Edition) User Guide.
a. Click Switch OS.
b. Select an available operating system version or upload a firmware file.
c. Click Apply.
The device reboots and the smart installation screen appears with the selected operating system
9. Click Start Smart Installation.
10. Specify the following information.
• NAS name: Specify a name with 1 to 14 characters. The name supports letters (A to Z, a to z),
numbers (0 to 9), and hyphens (-), but cannot end with a hyphen.
• Username: Specify an administrator username that contains 1 to 32 characters. The name
supports letters (A to Z, a to z), numbers (0 to 9), and hyphens (-), multi-byte Chinese, Japanese,
Korean, and Russian characters.
The username cannot contain the following special characters: grave accent (`), asterisk (*), equal
sign (=), plus sign (+), square brackets ([ ]), backslash (\), vertical bar (|), semicolon (;), colon (:),
apostrophe ('), quotation mark ("), comma (,), less than sign (< ), greater than sign (>), slash (/),
question mark (?), percent sign (%)
• Password: Specify an administrator password with 8 to 64 characters. The password supports all
ASCII characters.
• Confirm Password: Enter the new administrator password again.
11. Click Next.
The Set the date and time screen appears.
12. Specify the time zone, date, and time using any of the following methods:
QNAP recommends connecting to an NTP server to ensure that the device follows the
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) standard.
QGD Rackmount Switch User Guide
Installation and Configuration