Write C a c he
Better write performance can be obtained when this option is enabled. Please note that
an unexpected system shutdown may cause data loss. This option is disabled when the
Download Station or SQL service is enabled.
Sm a rt F a n
Smart Fan Configuration:
E na ble s m a rt fa n (re c om m e nde d):
Select to use the default smart fan settings
or to manually define the settings. When the system default settings are selected,
the fan rotation speed will be automatically adjusted when the NAS temperature,
CPU temperature, and hard drive temperature meet the criteria. It is recommended
to enable this option.
Se t fa n rota tion s pe e d m a nua lly :
By manually setting the fan rotation speed, the
fan will continually rotate at this speed.
Note :
The NAS will automatically shut down to protect itself if a temperature
threshold is exceeded. The threshold values vary depending on NAS models.