3. Enter the host name and specify the folder (under Web or Qweb) where the web
files will be uploaded to.
4. Specify the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) for connection. If you select HTTPS, make
sure the option "Enable Secure Connection (SSL)" in Web Server has been enabled.
5. Specify the port number for connection.
6. Click "Apply".
7. Continue to enter the information for the rest of the sites you want to host on the
8. Create a folder for each website (site1_mysite, site2_mysite, and www_mysite2)
and start transferring the website files to the corresponding folders.
Once the files transfer is complete, point your web browser to the websites by http://
NAS_host_name or https://NAS_host_name according to your settings. In this example,
the URLs are:
Using the above example, you would see the Joomla!, phpBB3, and WordPress sites