QIAamplifier 96 User Manual 03/2020
Administrator password forgotten
If the administrator has forgotten his password, use the Factory settings function (see chapter 11.1.7)
to reset the system and download a backup file for recovery (see chapter 11.6).
Slow heating and cooling
The QIAamplifier 96 is equipped with strong fans that remove the heat from the heat sink. The air
supply to these fans is located on the underside of the device. Make sure that the inlet is not clogged
by dust or other material (e.g., a piece of paper under the device may be sucked into the fan and
restrict its functionality). Dirt should be frequently removed from the air supply of the fan with a
vacuum cleaner or a brush.
Auto restart
The QIAamplifier 96 features an auto restart function. If a power failure occurs during a run, the
device will continue the run at the same point when the power returns. In case of long-term power
failure (longer than 30 minutes) the device keeps the sample block at 4°C (freeze step) and the user
can decide whether the device should continue the run or whether the samples should be discarded.
: After an auto restart, the user has to log in again. In addition, information can be displayed
for a limited time.
Auto restart without an apparent cause
High voltage fluctuations may lead to a restart of the QIAGEN QIAamplifier 96. The device will
then react similar to a power failure.
The following messages are displayed (see section “Auto restart“, page 107):
A power failure occurred during the run
Time and step at which the program was restarted
: To avoid high voltage fluctuations, do not connect the QIAamplifier 96 to a socket
shared by other, very strong power consumers (such as refrigerators or centrifuges).