QT518 & QT5116 User Manual
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3.2 Login and User Management
Users can login and logout of the DVR system. Users cannot do any other operations except changing the
multi-screen display once logged out. Admin has full control over DVR.
3.2.1 Login
To log in, right click the mouse to show the control bar shown in Fig 4.1 Control Bar. Click the Login option at the
bottom of the bar and a login screen will appear as shown in Fig 3.4 Login.
Fig 3.4: Login
Note: the default user name and password is “admin” and 123456”
3.2.2 User Management
To Change User Password:
Any user can change their password. While logged in, follow these steps:
Step 1:
Click Log/In Out on the control bar shown in Fig 4.1 Control Bar. A pop up screen will appear giving you to
options to choose from: Logout and password modification. Choose the Password option and a dialog screen will
appear as shown in Fig 3.5 Change Password.
Fig 3.5: Change Password
Step 2:
Input the old password in the appropriate field then enter and confirm the new password in their respective
Step 3:
Press the OK button to accept and make the change.