8/16 Channel Digital Video Recorder
When a motion or sensor alarm occurs, the duration of the DVR recording by
default is 60 Sec. You can change this with this menu option.
If set to ON, when there is an alarm on any one channel, the screen will
automatically switch to full screen mode from that video channel.
Note: Users should activate Schedule Set explained below after setting up these parameters to
activate the settings.
21. Motion Detection Settings
1) When surveying nearby objects (2-10 meters)
For daytime hours, set the MOTION LEVEL detection sensitivity to NORMAL; at night set to
2) When surveying objects in 50-100 meters distance
The objects 50-100 meters away will appear quite small on the screen. For daytime hours, set the
motion detection sensitivity to HIGH level.
During nighttime hours (see below), set to the NORMAL level.