Now press
The strobe output will be activated.
The strobe output will turn off and the bell output will switch on.
The bell output will turn off and any extension speakers fitted will sound.
The extension speakers will turn off and the panel will return to day mode.
10.4.1 Walk Test.
To verify the operation of all detectors in the alarm system a user walk test feature has been included.
To perform a walk test enter
The unset display will now flash
Now enter the Master user code
If any zones are active a high tone will be generated from the keypad and the zone numbers will be displayed on the keypad.
If all zones are inactive then a low tone will be heard.
to end walk test.
Unlike the Engineer walk test the Master user walk test will not enter zone activations into the event log.
10.4.2 Chime Programming.
In order to increase system flexibility the chime programming may be performed by the Master User. Four chime options
are available on the Octagon II control panel and these are:
Day mode.
Part set A
Part set B
Part set C
In day mode, any of the eight standard zones may be programmed to chime. In addition to this when the system is part
set any omitted zones can also be programmed to chime. This allows the chime to operate at any time except when the
control panel is full set. Chime is programmed as follows:
In day mode enter
The keypad display will change to
(flashing) to indicate that chime programming has been selected.
Now enter the Master User code
, the keypad will bleep to acknowledge that the code is correct.
Next enter
for Day mode
for Part set A
for Part set B
for Part set C
The keypad will bleep to acknowledge a key press. Now enter the numbers of the zones you wish to chime.
will clear all chime zones and should be used if reprogramming is necessary.
When all zone numbers have been entered press
to return to day mode. Programming of another mode to chime will
require the above sequence to be repeated.
10.4.3 Event Log.
The Master User may view the event log. To view the event log enter
The unset display will now flash
Now enter the Master User code
, the last zone activation will
be displayed on the RKP.
to scroll backwards.
to scroll forwards.
to clear log (if enabled by engineer).
to exit to day mode.
Note: Keypad, Personal Attack will not operate while event log view is selected.
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