PureLink by Dtrovision
0x6E n
IP Setting
Subnet Mask Setting
Gate Way Setting
MAC Address Setting
Port Number Setting
Network Information
Connection check
Router communication
connection check command:
* Audio commands are for the independent green blocks Audio Matrix Router
Command Ack (Acknowledge) Value Response
When command codes are entered into a terminal emulation program (such as
HyperTerminal) and are accepted by the system, they respond back to the terminal screen
one at a time, as noted below in the table. The complete command has executed
successfully when all of the entered characters including “s” which stands for status, appear.
If a command character is not accepted, a different character than the one entered appears
and all or part of the command has not been executed.
Ack (Acknowledge) Value Response Table
The following table shows ack value response characters along with their descriptions and
meanings, which may appear instead of the initially entered character or number. If these
characters appear, all or part of the command has not been executed.
Table 5.2 Descriptions of Acknowledge (ACK) Signals
Ack value
Input 1 is not connected No information in channel 1
Command Code Error
Indicates that system has rejected all or part of the command
Router ID Error
Indicates that the wrong ID number was entered
Command Code Ack Value Examples