Relay Outputs
The five relays can be programmed for a variety of alarms, pump control, or
other process functions. The relay contacts are all rated at 5A at 240V AC. All
connections should be such that the short circuit capacity of the circuits to
which they are connected, is limited by fuses rated so that they do not
exceed the relay rating.
Current Output
This is an isolated (floating) mA output (to 150 V), of 4 - 20mA or 0 - 20mA,
and the load should not exceed 500
Current Input (Optional)
This feature is available as an option only. Please consult Pulsar for further
details. The current input is an isolated (floating) mA input (to 150 V), 4 -
20mA or 0 -20mA.
Temperature Input (Optional)
The external temperature sensor allows more localised compensation of the
measured distance due to changes in temperature.
There are two models, Type A and Type B as follows:
-25° to 50°C
-25° to 125°C
The temperature sensor should be placed close to the point of