GEM-2M series User Manual
Well-known services include FTP(21), SSH(TCP:22), Telnet(23),
SMTP(25), DNS(53), TFTP(UDP:69), HTTP(TCP:80), POP3(110),
Auth(113), SFTP(TCP:115), SNMP&Traps(UDP:161-162),
LDAP(TCP:389), HTTPS(TCP:443), SMTPs(TCP:465),
ISAKMP(500), RTSP(TCP:554), POP3s(TCP:995),
NetMeeting(1720), L2TP(UDP:1701) and PPTP(TCP:1723).
Available Control Functions
There are 4 resources can be applied in a QoS rule: bandwidth,
connection sessions, priority queues and DiffServ Code Point
(DSCP). Control function that acts on target objects for specific
services of packet flow is based on these resources.
For bandwidth resource, control functions include guaranteeing
bandwidth and limiting bandwidth. For priority queue resource,
control function is setting priority. For DSCP resource, control function
is DSCP marking. The last resource is Connection Sessions; the
related control function is limiting connection sessions.
Individual / Group Control
One QoS rule can be applied to individual member or whole group in
the target group. This feature depends on model.
Outbound / Inbound Control
One QoS rule can be applied to the outbound or inbound direction of
packet flow, even them both. This feature depends on model. Configuration
It supports the activation of Rule-based QoS.
Rule-based QoS Enable
: Check the box if you want to enable the QoS & BWM
Besides, at the right upper corner of screen, one “[Help]” command let you see the
on-line help message about Rule-based QoS function. QoS Rule List
It is a list of all QoS rules. You can add one new rule by clicking on the “Add”
command button. But also you can modify some existed QoS rules by clicking
corresponding “Edit” command buttons at the end of each rule in the QoS Rule List.
Besides, unnecessary rules can be removed by checking the “Select” box for those