installation instruction
/ octo + Pro
recommendations and advice:
- Before beginning assembly, identify the various slat types with reference to the exploded view at the end of this
- Establish the final orientation of your pool, the skimmer should be oriented facing into prevailing winds. The skimmer
should be mounted on a side that starts with a type A slat.
- While assembling the walls, make sure that each slat is fully engaged before starting on the next.
- You may need to use a hammer and a clamp to remedy any slight warping of the slats. Do not strike the wood directly,
use the protective brace (provided).
- During assembly, check regularly that the walls are level and the 4 diagonals are equal in length.
- To avoid the risk or injury or damage to the liner, take care to eliminate any splinters during and after assembly.
- Please refer to the various illustrations provided in this document.
- The counter-swim unit pre-fit slats and the double return fitting and main drain slats are delivered in 2 addition-
al kits. These slats will be mounted instead of slats provided in the main kit which will thus be left over.
Fit together 2 half-slats (type A) and 2 type B wall slats according to the illustration above. The male side (double
tongue) should face upwards (see the detail below).
Fit the remaining slats together using type B slats on the short sides and type D slats on the long walls. Take care to
correctly position the pierced slats (type E) that will hold the return and vacuum fittings, the bottom skimmer slat (type
F) and, if necessary, the 2 optional slats from the counter swim unit kit. (refer to the exploded view at the end of this
document for the position of these slats).
The slat that will hold the return fitting (E) should be positioned above 4 type B slats + 1 type A slat.
The type F slat should be located above the return fitting slat on the last row of this step (12).
The first slat (E) machined to hold the wall drain should be positioned in the second row of slats on the oblique face to
the right of the skimmer.
The type E slat destined to hold the vacuum fitting should be positioned in the same row level as the bottom skimmer
slat (type F).
Lames NCC
Lames NCC