S.No Description
Next Key. The preceding section describes the functions associated with all keys
Reset Key
Radio LED annunciation for the selected mode: Auto/Manual/Test
Mode Key
MCB/Back Key
GCB/Forward Key
Increment/Start Key
Decrement/Stop Key
Status Area: This area shall display the position of the Mains and Generator contacts or
will indicate operations status like Cranking, Eng Cooling etc.
Fault and Warning Led. Fault Led blinks on a fault that resulted in engine shut down while
the warning will blink on a warning not resulting in shut down
11 & 12 Ms = Mains status. The area below Ms shall indicate the status of mains. If the mains is
healthy √ is displayed. Reasons of Mains being unhealthy such as Phase Sequence,
voltage unbalance, under/over voltage or under/over frequency shall be indicated by
respective Icon. In case of more than one unhealthy condition two Icon in the priority, as
written above, shall be announced.
Parameter Window. All measure Parameter shall be displayed here.
Icon to distinguish between Mains or Generator Parameter.
eg: Mains Icon with voltage display means its mains voltage and vice versa
Icon of the parameter being displayed
10.2 Backlight
Any event such as a front Key is pressed, Fault or Warning shall set the backlight to 100%
brightness. After 120 sec of expiry of the event the brightness of the backlight shall be reduced to
the programmed level. The level can be programmed from 10%-100%. During the cranking,
backlight shall be switched off.
11.0 Icons
11.1 Fault Icons