NJ1 el. & FREAK el. compact bike usage instructions
21.3 Adjusting the length of the colli-
sion guard
The following instructions are intended
for and may only be carried out by a rehabilita-
tion specialist dealer or PRO ACTIV
When mounting running wheels with another
tyre size, the length of the collision guard may
have to ba adapted. For this purpose, loosen
both M6 fixing screws (AF 4 mm) on the right
and left inlet (Fig. 46). Now the collision guard
can be pushed along the inlet and another hole
can be used for the fixing screws (Fig. 47).
Once the correct position of the inlet has been
found, both M6 fixing screws (AF 4 mm) are
tightened to 7 Nm again and secured using
screw locking fluid.
22 Wheels
22.1 Removing and attaching the run-
ning wheels
Figure 48: Locking knob of the quick-release axle in
the middle of the wheel axle
remove the running wheels
, reach
through the spokes around the wheel hub with
your fingers. The wheels can be unlocked and
removed by pressing and holding the locking
knob at the centre of the wheel axle with your
attach the running wheels
, press the lock-
ing knobs and insert the wheels with quick
release axle into the wheel bushings. When
doing this, special attention should be paid to
ensure that the locking knob springs out again
after attaching the wheel, as otherwise the
wheels are not properly secured. You will know
this if you can see the index groove.
Figure 49: Quick release axle with index groove
Before using the product, check if the
running wheels are secured and that the quick
release axles are locked.
22.2 Checking and adjusting the wheel
tracking of the running wheels
The following instructions are intended
for and may only be carried out by a rehabilita-
tion specialist dealer or PRO ACTIV
Well adjusted wheel tracking significantly im-
proves the easy running characteristics of the
product. To
the tracking, proceed as
Position the product on a flat surface and apply
the parking brake.
Measure the axle heights (from the ground to
the running wheel axle) and write this dimen-
sion on both tyres at front and back.
Locking knob of the
quick-release axle
Index groove