Idle Time: If you select the PPPoE and Connect on Demand connection type,
fill in the idle time for auto-disconnect function. Value can be between 1 and
1000 minutes.
MTU Size: Fill in the MTU size of MTU Size. The default value is 1400.
Attain DNS Automatically: Click to select getting DNS address for DHCP support.
Please select Set DNS Manually if the DHCP support is selected.
Set DNS Manually: Click to select getting DNS address for DHCP support.
DNS 1: Fill in the IP address of Domain Name Server 1.
DNS 2: Fill in the IP address of Domain Name Server 2.
DNS 3: Fill in the IP address of Domain Name Server 3.
Clone MAC Address: Fill in the MAC address that is the MAC address to be
Enable uPNP: Click the checkbox to enable uPNP function.
Enable IGMP Proxy: Click the checkbox to enable IGMP Proxy.
Enable Ping Access on WAN: Click the checkbox to enable WAN ICMP
Enable Web Server Access on WAN: Click the checkbox to enable web
configuration from WAN side.
Enable IPsec pass through on VPN connection: Click the checkbox to enable
IPSec packet pass through.
Enable PPTP pass through on VPN connection: Click the checkbox to enable
PPTP packet pass through.
Enable L2TP pass through on VPN connection: Click the checkbox to enable
L2TP packet pass through.
Apply Changes: Click the Apply Changes button to complete the new
configuration setting.
Reset: Click the Reset button to abort change and recover the previous
configuration setting.