Fragment Threshold: Fragmentation Threshold sets the frame size of incoming
messages (ranging from 256 to 2346 bytes) used as fragmentation boundary. If
the frame size is too big, the heavy interference affects transmission reliability.
If the frame size is too small, it decreases transmission efficiency. Default setting
is 2346.
RTS Threshold: Lower the signal RTS (Request To Send) to promote the
transmission efficiency in condition of noisy environment or too many clients.
Default setting is 2347.
Beacon Interval: Beacon Interval means the period of time between one
beacon and the next one. The default value is 100 (the unit is millisecond, or
1/1000 second). Lower the Beacon Interval to improve transmission
performance in unstable environment or for roaming clients, but it will be
power consuming.
Preamble type: Preamble is the first sub field of PPDU, which is the appropriate
frame format for transmission to PHY (Physical layer). There are two options,
Short Preamble and Long Preamble.