Battery Charger - 2 Bank or 3 Bank (Optional)
The battery charger is installed in the console. It is designed to recharge your batteries and extend the life of your
batteries in applications where the batteries may be stored for long periods of time.
For operational procedures and information related to the care and maintenance of the battery charger, please
refer to the owner’s manual provided by the manufacturer of the battery charger. When in doubt, always defer to
the instructions and/or recommendations provided by the manufacturer of the battery charger.
Switch and Breaker Panel
The switch and breaker panel is located on the console. The numbers shown above each switch in the photo
correspond with the following descriptions provided for each switch:
Circuit Breakers – On the switch panel below the individual switches
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Navigation/Anchor Lights - Locate the Nav/Anchor. light switch on the instrument panel. This is a 3-way
switch (forward, middle, back/aft) that functions as follows when you press the switch:
Forward position - Turns on the bow lights and the anchor light. This position will also
activate the red light in your compass.
If you have Faria gauges on the dash panel, this function will illuminate
the gauge lights.
If the gauges were provided by the engine manufacturer (i.e., Mercury,
Honda, etc.), this switch will not illuminate the gauge lights. Instead,
your gauge lights will be illuminated when the ignition switch is turned
Middle position – All lights are off.
Back/Aft position – Anchor light is on; the bow lights and gauge lights are off.
2 Bilge Pump - Your boat is equipped with an automatic bilge pump and float switch. This 1100 gph pump
is located in the bilge and is mounted as far aft as possible. The bilge pump and float switch are
accessible via the hatch that is installed in the center of the motor well.
The bilge pump is wired automatic to the battery and has a manual override located at the switch panel
on the console. The automatic float switch is wired directly to the
battery terminals through
breakers or inline fuses. The circuit breaker is located at the helm next to the manual switch.
Depressing the bilge pump switch to the up or forward position activates the bilge pump.
3 Washdown Pump – To activate the pump, which is located in the aft bilge area, depress the switch to the
up or forward position. The washdown pump draws its water from the same seacock that the port aft
baitwell pump draws its water. To turn the pump off, depress the switch in the down position. Keep the
washdown switch in the off position if the pump is not going to be used soon.
& 6
Baitwell Pump 1 and 2 - The baitwell pumps are located in the bilge area and are each plumbed to
seacocks (ball valves). See the Sea Water section of this manual for instructions on using the raw water
washdown fitting.