AM/FM Stereo with CD Player, Speakers (Optional)
The AM/FM stereo is powered by the dealer-installed batteries
and comes equipped with a CD player and 4 speakers and is
XM Compatible. The installation locations are as follows:
AM/FM Stereo with CD Player – Flush mounted in the console.
Speakers –Two speakers installed in the forward cockpit and two are installed in the aft cockpit.
Based upon the availability from our vendors, stereo equipment changes from time to time. Therefore, we
request that you refer to the owner’s manual provided by the manufacturer of the stereo equipment for operational
procedures and for information related to the care and maintenance of their product.
XM Stereo Upgrade (Optional)
When activating your satellite service, your service provider will
request that you provide them with the “Radio ID #”. You will find
this 8 character ID # (alpha numeric) on the paperwork in your
owner’s package.
If you cannot locate the paperwork, you will find the controller head
unit (XM box) mounted on the inside wall of the console. The XM
box is installed inside the console.
8 character
(alpha numeric)
“Radio ID #”
Based upon the availability from our vendors, this equipment changes from time to time. Therefore, we request
that you refer to the owner’s manual provided by the manufacturer of the XM unit for operational procedures and
for information related to the care and maintenance of their product.
Storage and Hatches
Your boat has plenty of storage areas for your tackle and/or gear:
Storage area inside the console
Rope locker storage at the bow
Rod Holder Storage
The following rod holder storage is available:
Rod Holders w/Inserts – One (1) pair of stainless steel rod holders with PVC inserts to protect
your rods are installed on the gunwale. An optional second pair may be added.
Six (6) vertical rod holders are installed on the console.
Four (4) stainless steel rod holders with inserts on the aft side of the helm seat (optional).
Lockable rod storage (4 rods) is installed on the port side of the forward cockpit.
Storage on the starboard side of the forward cockpit. As an option, you may select to convert this
storage compartment into a lockable rod storage compartment.
Hatches and Latches
To open the hatches just lift the handle of the latch from the recessed area of the hatch, twist it and lift the hatch
open. Make sure that all hatches are closed and secured before you get underway.
In addition to the deck hatches, there are round access pies installed on the boat that provide access to
components. The following photo identifies the locations of the components that can be accessed via the deck
hatches and access pies.