Data name:
ESC300 (swv-1.06)
Heiko Lange
© P. Prinzing GmbH - 89173 Lonsee-Urspring (Germany)
Service: +49 (0) 7336 - 961018
* Option / depends on design
8.1.2 Change parameter program 2 (P2)
By the function „learning“, the program 2 will be created with the following sequence:
Forward > time till cycling > pause > tact 1 > pause > tact 2 > pause > tact 3 > stop = change in directions
Backward > time till cycling > pause > tact 1 > pause > tact 2 > pause > tact 3 > stop = end of the program
The following parameters can be changed for forward and backward motion:
Time till cycling
- will be automatically determined by the function „learning“
Cycle length
- driving time of the cycles (tact), factory provided = 15 sec
Pause duration
- pause between the cycles, factory provided = 5 sec
Number of cycles
- factory provided = 3 cycles
Parking position
- see manual
page 41
Consider when adjusting the parameters for program 2:
- The total driving time of the scraper =:
time till cycling
number of cycles
cycle length
- The
time till cycling
has always be smaller than the total driving time
- Chose the
number of cycles
and the
cycle length
in a way, that the programmed total driving time is longer than the
factual driving time. So you can assure that the scraper is moving always till the respective stop
- The
number of cycles
should be min. „1“
- The
cycle length
not be smaller
than 10 sec.
- If you don´t want a limited movement control (tact at the end of the alley), set the
pause duration
on „0“
Graphic scraper move
Parameters for program P2
(1) - Time till cycling (forw.)
(2) - Cycle length (forw.)
(3) - Pause duration (forw.)
(4) - Number of cycles (forw.)
(5) - Time till cycling (backw.)
(6) - Cycle length (backw.)
(7) - Pause duration (backw.)
(8) - Number of cycles (backw.)
At the last pause (last cycle before the stop) the distance between the scraper and the stop
should be min. 40 cm. If the distance is smaller, it might happen, that the scraper is moving
against the stop directly after the starting and the control switches off with the message
„error overload“.