Several templates are available to visualize your remote controller. There is a unique template for the Light,
Premium, and Gateway. A custom template can also be designed for special applications. The template shown
below is for the Premium.
Pump Data
Pump Run Indication
Station In-Flow1
Alarm 1-4
Programmable alarms
Ack. Fault Button
Starts today
Pump Amps (30 sec after start)
Pump Runtime Alarm
Fault Acknowledged Indicator
Runtime today
Relay Button
(Relay will activate for 2 sec)
High Level Transducer1
Low Level Transducer1
Wet Well Level1
P1 & P2 GPM1
Pump Dry Run Alarm (Low Amps)1
Pump High Amps Alarm1
Power Loss Alarm
Available on “Premium” versions on the Pump Watch
Express only.
Light Version
Alarm 1-4:
These alarms become active upon a contact closure (see wiring schematics). The label
“Alarm 1” can be changed to describe the actual alarm condition. Example: “P1 Fail”.
(See pg. 27 for instruction on how to edit text on the Main Screen.)
LED indication:
The LED indication on the screen will turn red when the alarm is active. You can
configure the alert notification by clicking on the indicator.
If 24 Vdc power is lost for more then the set time (see Configuration screen). The 3.7 Vdc
battery must be connected.
P1-2 Runtime Alarm:
The pump ran continuously for longer than the set time (see Configuration
screen). This condition may indicate a pump clog, a high in-flow event, or sensor fault.
Premium Version Additional Alarms
Xdcr High:
Level transducer High Level alarm. This alarm set point and timer value is set in the
configuration screen. The tank level value will go zero if 24 Vdc power is lost and the RTU keeps
running on the 3.7V Li ion battery. The High Level alarm will no longer be active during this
It is recommended to have a 24 Vdc battery back up system to ensure alarm notification during
power loss. Alternately, a high level float switch may be connected to any of the 4 digital alarms
and activate during power loss.
Xdcr Low:
Level transducer Low Level alarm. This alarm set point and timer value is set in the
configuration screen. This alarm will not be active on power loss (24 Vdc), and running on the
3.7V Li ion battery.
P1-2 High Amps:
The pump running amps are higher than set point for longer than the set timer (see
Configuration screen). Not available with the PC-3000X controller.
P1-2 Dry Run Alarm:
The pump running amps are lower than set point for longer than the set timer
(see Configuration screen). Not available with the PC-3000X controller.
27 Pump Watch
Express User Manual