The air vent/cover lock visually indicates the state of pressure in the
canner. When it is in the up position, there is pressure in the canner; when
it is in the down position, there is no pressure in the canner (Fig. Q).
Continue heating the canner until the pressure regulator begins to rock.
12. The processing time begins when the pressure regulator begins to rock
gently. Adjust the heat to maintain a slow, steady rocking motion. To
watch a video of a regulator maintaining this slow, steady rocking motion,
visit www.GoPresto.com/ppc/rocking.
If the pressure regulator stops rocking, it will be necessary to bring the
pressure back to the correct setting (the slow, steady rocking motion of
the pressure regulator) and begin the processing countdown from the
beginning for the full amount of time.
13. At the end of the processing time, turn the burner off and remove the
canner from the heat source.
Lift the pressure canner to remove it from the burner. Sliding
any cookware may leave scratches on the stove-top.
14. Let the pressure drop of its own accord.
Do not attempt to speed the
cooling of the canner
, which can cause jar breakage, liquid loss from the
jars, and other problems.
The pressure is completely reduced when both the air vent/cover lock and
overpressure plug have dropped and no steam escapes when the pressure
regulator is removed.
15. When the pressure has been completely reduced, remove the regulator
from the vent pipe and let the canner cool for 10 minutes.
Do not remove
the pressure regulator until the pressure is completely reduced and
the air vent/cover lock has dropped.
Always remove the regulator
before opening the cover.
16. To remove the cover, turn it counterclockwise until it hits the stop tab.
The cover handles will be beyond the body handles. Lift the canner cover
toward you to keep steam away from you.
Fig. Q
01785 4033-017A CUL English weighted gauge induction canner.indd 16
01785 4033-017A CUL English weighted gauge induction canner.indd 16
12/13/19 10:34 AM
12/13/19 10:34 AM