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The right display on the electronic console also uses indicator lights to show
you what information is being displayed. The display provides three separate
fields: TIME and RECORD; SPEED, DISTANCE, and R.P.M.; and TOTAL
When you are working out, certain displays scan so that every few seconds
different information appears within the window. For example, while you are
working out, the SPEED, DISTANCE, and R.P.M. information alternately
Note: The record time (RECORD) only appears prior to the beginning of your
workout. The FITNESS SCORE only appears after you complete the Fitness
Test using the Precor E/L Heart Rate Monitor. The HEART RATE alternately
appears with the TOTAL CALORIES display only when you are using the
Precor E/L Heart Rate Monitor.
TIME: During your workout, a time (00:00) display appears automatically and
stops whenever you stop pedaling. Use the TIME display to keep track of how
long you have exercised in a given session. As you work out, time starts at
zero and counts up except for the time-based courses. The time display counts
down for time-based courses.
RECORD: The record time of your best workout session appears in the right
window display when the PROGRAM prompt appears in the left window
display. The RECORD display shows your record time in minutes and seconds.
Note: The RECORD appears only prior to the beginning of a workout. If a
record time does not appear, zeros appear in the display and signify that you
have not yet used that particular course program. No RECORD time appears if
you choose programs 1, 9, or 10 (manual or interval course programs).
SPEED: Once you begin a workout, the speed at which you are travelling
appears in this display. Every few seconds, the display changes as the
DISTANCE and R.P.M. scan through. Your speed can appear in miles per
hour (mph) or kilometers per hour (kph). The recumbent cycle is programmed
at the factory to display a particular unit of measure. If you wish to change the
display, you can follow the instructions found in
Changing the Cycle’s Display
to U.S. Standard or Metric Units.
DISTANCE: The distance you have travelled appears once you begin a
workout. Distance can appear in miles or kilometers. The recumbent cycle is
usually programmed at the factory to display U.S. Standard. If you wish to
change the display, you can follow the instructions found in
Changing the
Cycle’s Display to U.S. Standard or Metric Units. The maximum distance you
can travel in a single workout is 99.99 miles before the odometer resets at
00.00 and begins over again.
R.P.M.: The pedal revolutions per minute (rpm) alternately appear with the
SPEED and DISTANCE displays.
TOTAL CALORIES: During a workout, an estimate of the calories you have
burned appears. At the end of your workout, the total estimated calories burned
appears in the display. If you are using the Precor E/L Heart Rate Monitor, the
TOTAL CALORIES display appears every few seconds, alternating with the
HEART RATE display.
Right Display