Telecoms Power Solutions
FatBox Modem
© PowerOasis 2012
SmartHub Installation Guide
November 9, 2012
4.6 Validating GPRS connection
It is important to check that the GPRS connection is active. This can be done in one of two
Via a web browser
Via a DOS window
4.6.1 Web Browser
On the technician’s PC:
1. Open a web browser
2. Enter a stable website address in the address bar
The web page should now load.
A stable website address is one that is always available, such as www.google.com or
Check the webpage loads correctly and that the performance is acceptable. If not,
troubleshoot the connections and try again.
4.6.2 DOS Window
On the technician’s PC:
1. Click on Start Button > Run
2. Type the following in the Open: textbox
A Command Prompt window will appear:
3. Type the following in the command prompt:
ping bbc.co.uk
If the Ping is successful four replies should be reported, followed by some Ping Statistics. If
not, troubleshoot the connections and try again.