Telecoms Power Solutions
FatBox Modem
© PowerOasis 2012
SmartHub Installation Guide
November 9, 2012
For configuration purposes, there are a number of pre-requisites that must be in place before
installation can begin:
3.1 Equipment
User must have :
A Laptop computer with Ethernet port
Ethernet (Cat 5) cable)
If the User is installing the Fatbox modem as part of a SmartHub installation, the
installation should take place after the SmartHub has been installed and configured,
but before the “Test Communications to Manager” step.
3.2 GPRS connection information
The User needs to have the following values in order to configure the Modem correctly:
Access Point Name (APN)
SIM 1 Service Name
e.g. *99#
SIM 1 User Name
e.g. web
SIM 1 User Password
e.g. password
For the GPRSV2 Modem, which has two SIM slots, a second SIM and associated APN,
Service Name, User Name and Password will be required.
It is recommended that SIM 2 is from a different GSM service provider than SIM 1. The
details for SIM 2 will differ to those for SIM 1.
3.3 Technician’s Laptop IP address
The Technician’s Laptop needs to have its IP Address set to one of the following settings:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
DNS Gateway:
If the User is installing the Fatbox as part of a SmartHub installation, the Technician’s PC
should have already been set to the Manual IP address settings listed above. If not, it is
recommended that the PC is set to the manual settings shown above:
1. Click Start Button > Control Panel
2. Network and Sharing Center > LAN Configure > TCP/IP (IPv4).
3. Click Properties