Safety Information
otherwise imprints of the brush could
be produced on the floor.
• The machine may only be driven on
and the equipment used on those
surfaces which have been approved
by the contractor or person appoint-
ed by him.
• The manner of driving must be
adapted to the local conditions (floor
characteristics, presence of persons
in the vicinity, obstacles, etc.).
• When using the vehicle, it is essen-
tial to pay attention to third parties,
especially children.
• Never leave the vehicle unattended
while motors are still running and it
has not been locked against unin-
tended movement.
• To prevent authorized used of the
vehicle, lock the drive by removing
the key from the key switch.
• When transporting the vehicle, the
motors must be shutdown.
• Only open empty recovery tanks.
• The scrubber drier may only be driv-
en on hard-surfaced, sufficiently
non-slip ground (e.g. asphalt, con-
crete) which is free of oil, water,
snow etc.
• The vehicle may only be driven on
gradients to a maximum of 6% for a
maximum of five minutes when in
work mode. Do not drive the vehicle
on slopes with a gradient steeper
than the limit gradient indicated on
the vehicle.
• The vehicle may only be driven on
gradients to a maximum of 15% for a
maximum of one minute when in
transport mode. When driving the
vehicle in transport mode, the
ground must be clean and dry, i.e.
free of dirt, oil, snow, water etc., par-
ticularly when driving on gradients.