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Similarly, in (See Figure 72), the seat card shows four dials with four motions :
Incliner prolonger (forward quadrant) ;
Both legs retract-latched (reverse quadrant) ;
Tilt retract (left quadrant) ;
Elevate extend-latched (right quadrant) ;
In this example, to operate the elevation and lock motion, the user must enable user input configured for a correct
operation, such as deflecting the joystick to the right.
Figure 71 : Seat card
2 quadrants
Figure 72 : Seat card
4 quadrants
Figure 73 : Active and inactive motion display
When performing a gesture, the navigation button is removed from
the screen for the duration of the operation. At the same time, the
arrows of the movements change according to the user input
5.1 et Table 9 & 10.