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Always remember to put the backrest in an upright position before verticalizing.
To stop the movement, release the joystick.
It is possible to stop at any intermediate position
In case of contracture during verticalization, proceed in stages, with intermediate release times .
A seat card is selected by the user to use a seat function. (See figure 68)
Typically, a seat card includes :
Seating card name
One or more seating functions
The quadrant ring
One or more motions
Figure 67 : Example seat card
The name of the seat card is located at the top of the board and is defined using
the programming and diagnostic tools.
A seat card can be dedicated to a single seat function (Figure 67) or can offer
several seating functions (Figure69). Seat images identify the function(s)
performed with the seat card; the full range is displayed inTable 10.
Figure 68 : Example seating card
Figure 69 : Example seat card
Four quadrants
For each seating function, a number of movements are available that the user can select and control. The
movements are displayed as arrows on or near the circular dial(Figure 69):an arrow pointing up means "extending";
an arrow pointing down means "retracting". An arrow with a bar indicates that the movement is locking. A scratched
movement indicates that the movement is inhibited.