Poseidon SE7EN User Manual
Appendix 3 Page 105
Units of measure
The Poseidon SE7EN is capable of displaying parameter values in either metric or imperial
units. Both screens at the top of the next page show the same information, except that the left
screen shows the depth and temperature values in imperial units, and the right screen shows
the values in metric units. Depth units are indicated by an “ft” or “m”; and temperature units
are indicated by a ºF or ºC.
Figure 3-4.
Imperial units.
Figure 3-5
. Metric units.
What follows is a more detailed description of each of the screen elements, and what they
mean. It is important that all Poseidon SE7EN divers become familiar with these symbols and
values, what they mean, and how to respond when they are not displaying appropriate values
(or are flashing).
Alarm signal area
Figure 3-7.
Abort! and open circuit alerts.
As mentioned previously, the upper-right corner
of the screen is the alarm signal area, and under
normal circumstances it should be completely
blank. It was designed this way so that a quick
glance at the screen would be all that is neces-
sary to know whether any alarm conditions are
active. A blank field in the upper-right corner of
the screen means all systems are functioning
properly, and all parameters are working cor-
rectly. In most cases, the signals will flash when
activated, further drawing attention.
Abort! and open circuit alerts
Figure 3-6.
Alarm signal area.
The most important alert symbols on the screen are also the largest: The ABORT! and Open-
Circuit symbols. The ABORT! symbol is a large word
in inverted font color. Whenever
this is displayed, the dive should be immediately terminated. There are two possible abort
scenarios, either OC or CC. If accompanied by the Open-Circuit Alert icon (image of a diver’s
mask, second-stage regulator, a series of bubbles on either side of the diver’s face, the diver
must immediately terminate the dive and commence a safe ascent to the surface in open-circuit
mode. If the Abort icon is displayed alone without the image of the divers mask the diver must
immediately terminate the dive and commence a safe ascent to the surface on closed circuit.
In the Alarm Signal Area is a icon with a diagonal
slash through it. This symbol is the “DO NOT
DIVE” Alert, and it indicates that the system is
not currently ready to be used for diving. This
symbol will always be activated when the
Poseidon SE7EN electronics are first turned on,
while the pre-dive routine is being conducted.
Figure 3-8.
DO NOT DIVE alert.
Refer to page 112 how to manage OC ABORT.