Poseidon SE7EN User Manual
Appendix 3 Page 106
General alert
Figure 3-9.
General alert.
The triangle symbol with an exclamation point,
located in the Alarm Signal Area will flash in syn-
chrony with any other parameter(s) on the
screen that is/are inappropriate or out of accept-
able range. This signal is intended to catch the
diver’s attention, and prompt the diver to scan
the other elements on the screen to see which
value(s) is/are also flashing. As long as one of
the other displayed values on the Primary
Display is flashing, the General Alert symbol will
also flash.
Electronics alert
Figure 3-10.
Electronics alert.
The General Alert symbol is a small icon that
resembles a personal computer with a lightning
bolt on the screen. This symbol indicates that a
problem has been detected with the electron-
ics, such as a network failure, an unexpected
system re-boot, or other detected errors. The
specific cause is recorded in the logged data. If
the Electronics alert symbol is shown during a
dive of after the completion of a Pre Dive test,
ABORT the dive or DO NOT DIVE.
Decompression ceiling alert
Figure 3-11.
Decompression ceiling alert.
In the Alarm Signal Area is the Decompression
Ceiling Alert. This symbol will flash when the
diver has incurred a decompression obligation.
With the 40m recreational battery installed the
Poseidon SE7EN is not intended for decom-
pression diving, so the dive should be termi-
nated whenever this icon is displayed. The diver
should ascend towards the surface at a slow
and controlled rate, watching the Primary
Display for the Stop Alert and additional decom-
pression information (see below).
Stop alert
Figure 3-12.
Stop alert.
The octagonal shape with a flat palm in the
center, located in the Alarm Signal Area, is dis-
played in one of two circumstances: either the
diver is ascending too rapidly, or the diver has
reached the decompression stop depth (“ceiling”).
In either case, the appropriate response is to
immediately stop ascending, and the diver should
maintain the current depth until the symbol
It is the sole responsibility of each and every Poseidon SE7EN
diver to understand all of the alarm systems and conditions,
monitor them throughout every dive, and respond appropriately
to any alert status.
Figure 3-13.
The oxygen partial pressure (PO
) in the breath-
ing loop is displayed prominently in the upper
left corner of the Primary Display. This is perhaps
the most important number on the entire screen,
as maintaining an appropriate oxygen partial
pressure in the breathing gas is critical to ensure
safe diving. The displayed PO2 represents the
value from one of the two sensors that the the
unit has most confidence in. If the value departs
substantially from the current PO
setpoint, the
value will flash. If the value becomes dangeously
high or dangerously low, the diver will be
prompted to switch to open-circuit mode and
terminate the dive. An absolute low PO2 alarm
will be triggered at 0.30 Bar.