After you have configured TCP/IP on a client computer, use a web browser
t o confi gure the BR L-04EX Broadband R outer. The BRL-04EX can be
configured by any Java-supported browser including Internet Explorer 4.0
or above, or Netscape Navigator 4.0 or above. Using the web management
interface, you may configure the BRL-04EX and view statistics to monitor
network activity.
To access the BRL-04EX' management interface, enter the IP address of the
B R L-04EX i n yo ur web bro wser ht tp: // 19 2.16 8.1 .1 (t he BR L-04 EX
aut omatically switches to Port 80 for managem ent acces s). Then cli ck
"LOGIN" (by default, there is "0000").
Chapter 4
Configuring the BRL-04EX