Click "Cancel" to close each window, and skip to "Step 2. Disable HTTP
Proxy" on page 48.
7 . C heck "Obtain an IP address au tomatical ly" and check " Obt ai n DNS
server address aut omatical ly." Cli ck "OK." C lick "OK" or " Close" t o
close each window.
TCP/IP Configuration Setting
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Primary DNS Server ____.____.____.____
Secondary DNS Server ____.____.____.____
Default Gateway
Step 2. Disable HTTP Proxy
You will need to verify that the "HTTP Proxy" feature of your web browser
i s di sab led. This i s so t hat your web browser will be abl e t o view t he
configu rati on pages i nside the BR L-04EX. The followi ng steps are for
Internet Explorer and for Netscape. Determine which browser you use and
follow the appropriate steps.
4. Click "Properties."
5. Double-click "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)."
6. All the information that you need to record is on the "Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) Properties" screen. Use the table on the next page to record the
If "Obtain an IP address autom ati cally" and " Obt ain DNS server address
automatically" are already checked, your computer is already configured for