User-Definable Application Sensing Tunnel
You may define special applications that require multiple connections such
as Internet gaming, video conferencing, and Internet telephony.
The BRL-04EX will then sense the application type and open a multi-port
tunnel for it.
DMZ Hosts Support
Al lows a networked com puter t o be full y expos ed t o the Int ernet. This
functi on is u sed when th e special appli cati on sensing t unnel feat ure is
insufficient to allow an application to function correctly.
Th e B RL-04EX supports securit y features that d eny Int ernet access t o
s pecified users, or drop requests for specific servi ces. The BRL-04EX'
firewal l also blocks common hacker att acks, i ncluding IP Spoofi ng, Land
At tack, Pin g of Deat h, IP with zero l en gth , Sm urf Att ack, UDP port
loopback, Snork Attack, TCP null scan, and TCP SYN flooding.
Many advanced applications are provided by the BRL-04EX, such as:
LAN Access
The BRL-04EX provides connectivit y t o 10/100 Mbps devices, making i t
easy to create a network in small offices or homes.
Internet Access
This devi ce s upports Internet access through a DSL or cabl e connect ion.
Since many DSL providers us e PPPoE to est abli sh communicat ions wi th
end users, the BR L-04EX i ncludes a bui lt -in cli ent for t his protocol ,
eliminating the need to install this service on your computer.
Shared IP Address
The BRL-04EX shares a single IP address with up to 253 users. Using only
one ISP account, multiple users on your network can simultaneously browse
the Internet.
Virtual Server
If you have a static IP address, you can set up the BRL-04EX to act as a
virtual host for network address t ranslat ion. Rem ote users acces s various
services at your site using the static IP address. Then, depending on the
requested service (or port number), the BRL-04EX routes the request to the
appropriat e server (at an int ernal network IP address). This secures your
net work fro m d irect at t ack by h ack ers, an d pro vi des m ore fl ex ib le
managem ent by allowi ng you to change internal network IP addresses
without affecting outside access to your network.