You may need a fixed address if you want to provide Internet services, such
as a web server, or FTP server.
Bridge Mode
Use your BRL-04EX as a bridge.
Password Setting
Use this menu to restrict access based on a password. By default, there is
"password". For security you should assign one before exposing the BRL-
0 4EX to t he Int ernet . Pass wo rd s can cont ai n from 3-12 alp han umeric
characters and are not case sensitive.
If your password is los t, or you cannot gain access to the us er interface,
press the Reset button on the rear panel (holding it down for at least five
seconds) to restore the factory defaults (default is "0000").
Special Applications
Some appli cations, s uch as Int ernet gami ng, videoconferencing, Internet
t el ephony and others, requ ire m ulti ple con necti ons. These appl icat ions
cannot work with Network Address Translation (NAT) enabled. If you need
t o run appl icati ons that require mul tipl e connect ions, use the followin g
s creen to speci fy t he addi ti on al pu bl ic po rts to be opened for each
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) allows the secure remote access
over the Internet by simply dialing in a local point provided by an ISP.
Usin g the ab ove screen al lows cl ient PCs t o establi sh a normal PPTP
sessi on and provides hassle-free configuration of t he PPTP client on each
client PC.
Static IP Address
ISP assigns you a static IP address.
If your Internet Service Provider has assigned a fixed IP address, enter the
assi gned address and subn et mask for t he BR L-04EX, t hen en ter the
gateway address of your ISP.
Domai n Nam e Servers map num eri cal IP address es to t he eq uival en t
domai n nam e (e.g. , www.pl anex.n et ). Your ISP shoul d provi de t he IP
address of one or more domain name servers. Enter those addresses on this